

Indoor house plants became an incredible trend during the pandemic and one company that captured the market in the most beautiful way was, Plantify. We have indoor plant fans in the team, and the team agrees that Plantify should be seen as the local trend setter in this regard. Plantify were at the forefront of the most beautiful plants, they kicked off the trend of being able to buy plants online and their website has always presented beautifully. It was an absolute honour when they approach us for assistance with their SEO. 


There are two components to this. Firstly, the pandemic is no longer what it was, people are out and about and thus less people are looking for hobbies such as indoor plants nor are they at home as much. And, secondly, there is a huge amount of competition due to the trend. So we’re faced with a situation where we need to capture more of the market and keep the competitors at bay. This puts a lot of pressure on Plantify to build out their website aggressively to capture search volume and as their consultants, we have to guide them accordingly.

Success Drivers

There were a number of actions that we took on the website. Amongst these, the primary tasks involved:


  • Team Willingness – Working with Plantify rocks because their team is incredibly willing to listen and action. Everything we’ve put forward has been met with arms wide open which means our suggestions will get implemented and with that will come increased market share.
  • Keyword Positioning – The website didn’t rank poorly but we picked up on a lot of keywords that ranked toward the bottom of page 1 of the search results or high up on page two. We provided Plantify with unique instructions on how to build out specific pages on their website to increase these rankings.
  • Innovation – We put forward a number of recommendations around sharing mechanisms, inter-page linking and the likes to evolve the website and assist with getting the website’s visibility increased.
  • Content Creation – From meta data to header tags to content length and keyword positioning, we provided the team with a clear content structure to follow with their production.
  • Tracking – Plantify had tracking in place but it lacked in various areas. We overhauled their tracking and got eCommerce tracking in place, putting us in a position to properly see what channels are performing.


This is an ongoing project so we are still gathering data and out of respect for Planify and the extreme number of competitors, we are not sharing any data at this point but can assure you that things are going well.


